This is the year entered in the JOSCAR Zero Questionnaire (please note emission factors are at least mid-year. E.g. if date entered is 07/2022 - 12/2022, year shown would be 2023).
Selected Site(s) Emissions
This filter allows you to select which site you would like to view the data for. The default will show all sites that are published on JOSCAR Zero.
How has the dashboard been calculated?
The most widespread GHG is carbon dioxide (CO2), and this is used as a standard measure for GHG emissions by converting all other GHGs to the equivalent mass of CO2. This unit is referred to as a tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent, tCO2e.
The GHG emissions arising from human activities can be calculated by using conversion factors, known as emission factors.
These are expressed in terms of kgCO2e per unit of activity. The denominator for the emission factor will depend on the activity type.
JOSCAR Zero is aligned to the GHG Protocol and uses emissions factors published by the UK Government and the IEA.
Total Emissions
This is the sum of all emissions for scope 1, 2, and 3. This is calculated from the data provided in the JOSCAR Zero Questionnaire.
Average Emissions Intensity
This is the average emissions per head per site i.e. average (total emissions/total employees). An emission intensity metric is commonly used by companies for purposes such as a key performance indicator (KPI) and to benchmark against industry peers.
Working towards Net Zero
This is based on your response to Q2.7.13 in the JOSCAR Questionnaire. For help in updating your questionnaire, please click here.
Renewable energy
This is the percentage of the total energy usage that is supplied through renewable sources (either onsite generated or purchased).
Supplier Emissions (tCO2e)
This chart tracks your total emissions each year and also shows them divided by scope.
Emissions (tCO2e)
This shows the ranking of your sites or countries by emissions (the country is based on each site location). The default sort is largest to smallest.
Emission Sources (tCO2e)
This is a list of your emission sources grouped by scope. The scope percentage equals the proportion of each source compared to the scope. The total percentage shows the comparison of the sources against all scopes.