Answering Stage 1 questions
To begin answering your stage 1 questions, click the 'Questionnaire' icon on the navigation bar. You will then be taken to the initial set of questions, also commonly referred to as 'Stage 1' questions.
Your screen will look like this:
On this page, you will see a list of Sections. Clicking any one of these sections will open the corresponding set of questions. Sections can be answered in whatever order you wish – there is no requirement to answer the entire questionnaire in one sitting or in sequential order. Use the scroll bar to access all sections on the page.
On each Section card, there is a progress bar to indicate the percentage of questions completed within the section.
Answering questions
Clicking on a section card will open each section. You should work through each section, making sure you answer all mandatory questions. Optional questions are clearly marked as 'optional' on each page, as shown below.
As you provide answers, your progress bar in each section will increase, until this reaches 100%.
When all mandatory questions have been answered for a section, the section progress bar will change colour from amber to green to signify this is complete.
NOTE: It is not necessary to complete the questionnaire in one sitting. Your answers will be saved and stored if you prefer to complete the questionnaire in more than one sitting, or require sections to be answered by colleagues.
Moving Sections
You can move to the next section either by clicking the progress bars at the top of the page, or by clicking 'Next Section' at the bottom of each section.