Once you have answered all mandatory questions, your questionnaire will be ready to be submitted to the Hellios Validations Team, who will check your answers and advise of any clarifications needed for the answers you have given. Please note it may take up to five working days for your questionnaire to be validated.
To submit your questionnaire for validation, click the 'Submit' button on the Questionnaire page.
Note: If the button is not active (greyed-out), firstly check you have answered all mandatory questions. If all questions are answered, please check whether the administration fee has been paid, if applicable.
Before submitting your questionnaire you'll be asked to complete the declaration.
After submitting your questionnaire for validation, you will notice that all question fields are now locked for editing. Your questionnaire will remain in this state whilst Hellios validate your answers. If any of your answers require clarification, Hellios will notify you by email and your answers will be unlocked for edit.
Whilst in validation, your dashboard will also reflect your position in the process.
If no clarifications are required Hellios will publish your questionnaire. Please see the section entitled ‘Handling validation comments’ for more information about the validation process.