Having uploaded documents, you will notice a 'Documents' icon on the navigation bar at the top of the page. This page lists all documents you have uploaded.
The list of documents on this page provides a single location to monitor your documents and quickly update soon-to-expire or expired documents.
If any of your documents expire before your renewal date, it is your responsibility to maintain and update these. Hellios will send you notifications by email and you can log in to check the status of your documents at any time.
If one or more of your documents requires attention, on accessing the system the Documents Status box on your dashboard will be Amber or Red (depending on how long your document has been expired). Click the 'Documents' icon to view all of your documents, their status and expiry date at a glance.
To replace any document, first click the 'Start update' button on the Documents page.
Clicking this button will bring up a confirmation message, click 'Yes' to start your document update.
Now, simply select a document card you wish to update.
Each card will take you to the relevant section where you can update your document and any related fields. Once updated, click 'continue' at the bottom of the page to navigate back to the document overview page.
Once you have updated all of the documents that you wish to, click 'Submit' to send your Document update for validation.
Any updates you make to your documents will NOT be visible to buyers until your changes have been validated and published by the Hellios Validations team.
Related Article: How to Upload Documents